My 3 years uni life in UPM, was a memorable moment in life...but 3 years study in uni, I almost gave all my knowledges back to UPM...Anyway, there have still some theories that I had learned gave me deep impression until today...and the one which is impress me the most and intimately related to our daily life is...Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs...
Recently, I'm starting to think of my life...and reminded about this hierarchy of needs.... Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist. This defines every individual’s state of personality development. Marslow divided our needs into five levels, from the lowest to the highest in a pyramid form.
People will try to fulfill needs from the lowest part of the pyramid to the highest.
I'm not kind of people who like to have an excellent life...high achievement...prosperity....
my needs is simple enough...physiological, safety and love/belonging...ppl may think that i'm have not confident, no aspriration, or even useless....
for me, nothing will be more important than my family, friends and beloved long as they can live healthy and safety...that is more than enough for me...
I appreciate what I'm having now...
No matter what happens, I will try to face it bravely, think positively and smile...
because I believe in "Law of Atraction" (another theory again~ =_= wat happen to me oh...lolz..)....